Post 4: Food


Hi everyone! Welcome again to my humble blog, I hope you stay fine!

     Well, this week I´m going to talk about something different , I´m going to talk about the best creation of the word, the Lasaña.

         Lasaña is an exquisite food, are layers of pastas with different sauces and a lot of cheese. My favorite is with white sauce and tomato sauce with meat.

         It is not a difficult food to cook, but it is slow to make because you have to put layers and layers of sauce. However, it is well worth the effort for this wonderful plate.

Lasaña is my favorite food for many reason, one I really love pastas, home food and unhealty food,well.. I really love eat jajaja .

And two, my mom only cook lasaña in my birthday because she really hate to cook, for that, I only can eat it in this special date´s

The nutritional cost of lasagna may not be the best with so much pasta and cheese together but it tastes so wonderful that I don't care.

Well this is all for today, I hope you can taste lasagna, it is the best plate in life, take care! Byee!



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